Jacob A. Miller-Klugesherz (CV)
PhD Candidate, Sociology (Expected graduation Spring 2025)
Concentrations: (1) Community, Agriculture, Food, & Environment; (2) Rural Politics & Development
Kansas State University
Manhattan, Kansas, USA
Regenerative Agriculture & Community Wellbeing | Absentee Ownership of farmland & wells | Rural Kansas | Ecospheric Rhetoric
Process-relational philosophy | Luhmannian Social Systems Theory | Values-Beliefs-Norms Framework, Moral Foundations Theory
Basketball | Cooking | Poetry
6th generation Kansan, born and raised. 1st cousins, 3 times removed to 34th U.S. President, Dwight D. Eisenhower
August 2020-Present
Doctoral Candidate
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS
​Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work​
GRA, RegenPGC: Socioeconomic impacts and policy objective (May 2023-Present). USDA NIFA.
GRA, Rural Grocery Initiative (September 2022-Present). K-State Research and Extension.
GTA, SOCIO211: Introduction to Sociology, SOCIO440: Social Organization, SOCIO450: Social Interaction (September 2022-Present)
GRA, Rural Resource Resiliency (R3) Research Traineeship (2020-2022). NSF.
Committee: Cornelia Flora (chair, advisor), Matthew R. Sanderson, Gerard Middendorf, László Kulcsár
May 2019
Master of Arts Degree
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS
Department of Communication Studies
(Environmental Communication emphasis)
Top Master’s Rhetorical Thesis Award, National Communication Association Master’s Education Section
Special recognition (top 1% of students), College of Arts & Sciences
Three Minute Thesis Finalist, Graduate School
2x Schenck-Hamlin Graduate Research Award, Department of Communication Studies
Graduate research assistant, Rural Grocery Initiative
Graduate teaching assistant, Speaking in pubic contexts
May 2017
Bachelor of Arts Degree
Bethel College
North Newton, KS
Communication Arts, Literary Studies (Dual-Major)
Management (Minor)
All-American, American Forensic Association-National Individual Events Tournament. First-ever Bethel recipient.
National Champion, C. Henry Smith Bi-National Oratorical Contest.
Academic All-District 3 Team member, CoSIDA. First-ever Bethel College basketball player recipient.
3x Academic All-American, NAIA Academic Men’s Basketball .
Thresher (2017) and Winning Attitudes (2015), Bethel Awards
Miller-Klugesherz, J.A. (November 10, 2022). Stan Cox: The Green New Deal and Beyond: Ending the Climate Emergency While We Still Can. In Geoff Desa & Jia Xiangpinp’s (eds) Social Innovation and Sustainability Transition (pp. 387-388). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. https://doi-org.er.lib.k-state.edu/10.1007/978-3-031-18560-1_29 (Originally appeared in Agriculture & Human Values 2020).​
Griggs, B., Sanderson, M.R., & Miller-Klugesherz, J.A. (May 2023). “Farmers are depleting the Ogallala Aquifer because the government pays them to do it.” In Andrea K. Gerlak’s (ed.) The Conversations on Water (pp. 53-58). Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. (Previous versions appeared in the American Bar Association and The Conversation)
Miller-Klugesherz, J.A. (December 2022). “Moral sentiments of U.S. Congress’ Farm Bill debates, 2012-2021.” In R.X. Browning’s (ed.). Political Rhetoric and the Media: Center for C-SPAN Scholarship & Engagement’s The Year in C-SPAN Archives Research, Volume 8: 207-238. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv33t5gjm.1
Miller-Klugesherz, J.A. (August 2022). Rural race preservation: The enduring appeal to blood and soil. In N. Crick’s (Ed.), The rhetoric of fascism (pp. 76-93). Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press.
Miller, J.A. & Sanderson, M.R. (January 2021). What we need to do to be able to actually celebrate the 100th Earth Day: Using COVID-19 to ‘root down’. In S. von Tscharner Fleming & B. Olson’s (eds.) Greenhorn’s New Farmer’s Almanac 5: “Grand Land Plan” (pp. 135-138). Saline, MI: Greenhorns.
Miller, J.A. (2020). Attuning to an Ecospheric rhetoric to clean up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. In C. Schmitt, T. Castor, & C. Thomas (Eds.), A Mighty Stream: A confluence of water, rhetoric, and social justice (pp. 369-389). Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Miller-Klugesherz, J.A. (Forthcoming, 2023). Case Study: Manson, IA. R. Carver, E. Blair, and H. Jenkins (eds.). Manhattan, KS: Kansas State University Extension’s Rural Grocery Initiative.
Miller-Klugesherz, J.A. (June 30, 2023). Case Study: Marquette, KS. Community shareholder investment in Piper’s Fine Foods helps ensure the grocery store’s long-term viability. R. Carver, E. Blair, and H. Jenkins (eds.). Manhattan, KS: Kansas State University Extension’s Rural Grocery Initiative.
Miller-Klugesherz, J.A. (May 31, 2023). Case Study: Evansville, MN. Creating an ‘unmanned,’ 24/7 access grocery store: Responding to the needs of Evansville community members. R. Carver, E. Blair, and H. Jenkins (eds.). Manhattan, KS: Kansas State University Extension’s Rural Grocery Initiative.
Mcintyre, T., & Tinger, M. (Hosts). (April 14, 2020). Climate change, by any other name, will feel the same [Audio podcast]. In Climate Minute. Mass Climate Action Network.
Mcintyre, T., & Tinger, M. (Hosts). (April 8, 2020). Carbon fees and moral pillars. [Audio podcast]. In Climate Minute. Mass Climate Action Network.
Palmer, D. (Producer). (April 1, 2020). Episode One with Special Guest Jacob Miller [Audio podcast]. In Climate Talk: A Conservative Perspective on Climate Change.
Miller-Klugesherz, J.A. (~2026). Ball is life: The Earthly rhythms of basketball, the beautiful game.
Miller-Klugesherz, J.A., Jessica Ramirez, R. Carver, L. Tsoodle, E. Blair, and L. Scheufler. (February 2024). The 2021 Kansas Rural Grocery Survey: Reevaluating Extension’s role in rural grocery issues. Journal of Extension 62(1).
Miller-Klugesherz, J.A. & M.R. Sanderson. (October 2023). Good for the soil, but good for the farmer? Addiction and recovery in transitions to regenerative agriculture. Journal of Rural Studies 103. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2023.103123
Miller-Klugesherz, J.A. (March 2022). Demoralizing: Integrating J.D. Peters’ communication ‘chasm’ with Niklas Luhmann’s (1989) Ecological Communication to analyze climate change mitigation inaction. Kybernetes 51(5):1775-1799 (Moral Communication observed with Social Systems Theory.) S. Roth (ed.) https://doi:10.1108/K-11-2020-0770
Griggs, B., Sanderson, M.R., & Miller-Klugesherz, J.A. (February 2022). “Farmers are depleting the Ogallala Aquifer because the government pays them to do it.” Trends, The Water Report 53(4). Chicago, IL: American Bar Association.
Fischer, A.*, J.A. Miller*, E. Nottingham*, T. Wiederstein*, L. Krueger*, G.P. Quesada*, M.R. Sanderson, S.L. Hutchinson. (2021). A Systematic Review of Spatial-temporal Scale Issues in Sociohydrology. Frontiers in Water. *Share first-authorship. https://doi.org/10.3389/frwa.2021.730169
Miller, J.A. (Spring 2019). Examining the narrative persuasiveness of the 50-Year Farm Bill. Northwest Journal of Communication 41(1):97-129. Northwest Communication Association, Andrea A. McCracken (ed.). ISSN 1559-0003. Print only.
Miller-Klugesherz, J.A., R. Carver, and E. Blair. (Forthcoming 2023). Local grocers sourcing from local producers in Kansas: Best practices. Manhattan, KS: Kansas State University Extension’s Rural Grocery Initiative.
Miller-Klugesherz, J.A. (Forthcoming 2023). Preliminary observations on data from the community survey: The Ogden community’s reflections on a potential grocery store. Manhattan, KS: Kansas State University Extension’s Rural Grocery Initiative.
Miller-Klugesherz, J.A., R. Carver, E. Blair, Jessica Ramirez, L. Tsoodle, and L. Scheufler. (Forthcoming 2023). The 2021 Kansas Rural Grocery Survey. Manhattan, KS: Kansas State University Extension’s Rural Grocery Initiative.
Miller, J.A. (2019). Mennonite’s protest of the U.S. national anthem lacks inclusivity of the black community: A call to “Lift Every Voice and Sing.” In Brad Born (ed.) Mennonite Life, 73. Newton, KS: Bethel College.
Miller, J.A. (2017). When it comes to restraint and seclusion on autistic students, schools should use restraint themselves. Interstate Oratorical Association, Winning Orations. Lafayette, LA: The University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
Miller, J.A. (2015). Migrant child workers deserve better protection. Interstate Oratorical Association, Winning Orations. Mount Berry, GA: Berry College.
Miller, J.A. (Spring 2016). Rachel’s kiss. YAWP! Literary Magazine.
Miller, J.A. (2016). BUPpy love. In Brian Weilert (Eds.) Issue 15. Fort Scott, KS: Tibetan Treefrog Publishing.
Miller-Klugesherz, J.A. (~2026). Ball is life: The Earthly rhythms of basketball, the beautiful game.
Miller-Klugesherz, J.A. (June 2022). Liz Carlisle: Healing Grounds: Climate, Justice, and the Deep Roots of Regenerative Farming. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems. https://doi.org/10.1080/21683565.2022.2091720
Miller, J.A. (2020). Stan Cox: The Green New Deal and beyond: Ending the climate emergency while we still can. Agriculture and Human Values, 37(2). Springer Nature.
Miller, J.A. (Fall 2021). If this year be our last. In Shawn Sanders (Eds.), From Pandemic to Protest, 11. Portland, OR: The Poeming Pigeon, LLC.
Miller, J.A. (2020). Left, right, left, right. In Shawn Sanders (Ed.), The Pop Culture Issue, 10. Portland, OR: The Poeming Pigeon, LLC.
Miller, J.A. (2020). Without Her, no prospect. In Ruchi Acharya (Ed.), Wingless Dreamer, Summer 2020 Chapbook. Online: Wingless Dreamer, LLC.
Miller, J.A. (2019). Kansas Sunset & Stumped. In Zach Zimmerman (Ed.), Kansas’s Best Emerging Poets. Madison, WI: Z Publishing House, LLC.
Miller, J.A. (2019). Ball is life. In Shawn Sanders (Ed.), The Sports Issue, 8. Portland, OR: The Poeming Pigeon, LLC.
Miller, J.A. (2018). My story of home. In Zach Zimmerman (Ed.), America’s Best Emerging Poets, 82. Madison, WI: Z Publishing House, LLC.
Miller, J.A. (2018). Home, Get a whiff of this, & Land assault. In Zach Zimmerman (Ed.), Kansas’s Best Emerging Poets, 33, 54, 83. Madison, WI: Z Publishing House, LLC.
Miller, J.A. (Spring 2017). Land attack. YAWP! Literary Magazine.
Miller, J.A. (Fall 2016). White guy. YAWP! Literary Magazine.
Miller, J.A. (Fall 2016). Mohammed Ali. YAWP! Literary Magazine.
Miller, J.A. (Spring 2021). Hay bale yoga: Using Mennonite-inspired green exercise to slow down. In Brad Born’s (ed.) Mennonite Life, 75. Special Issue, "Scribing Slowness: An Ode to Slow Living During Fast Times." North Newton, KS.
Sanderson, M.R., Griggs, B., & Miller, J.A. (November 9, 2020). Farmers are depleting the Ogallala Aquifer because the government pays them to do it. The Conversation.
Miller, J.A. (Fall 2017). Davids versus Goliath. In Scott Bontz (Eds.) Land Report, 119, 7-11. Salina, KS: The Land Institute.
Miller-Klugesherz, J.A. (July 11, 2022). How do I reduce my hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance? By becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable. Co2mmit.
Palken, D. & Miller, J.A. (May 4, 2020). An incubation period of decades: Contemplating climate change in the age of coronavirus. IEEE-USA Insight.
Palken, D. & Miller, J.A. (April 27, 2020). Contemplating climate change in the age of coronavirus. Longmont Times-Call.
Miller, J.A. (April 10-11, 2020). Coronavirus compels us to price carbon. The Kansan, Topeka Capital Journal, Salina Journal, The Garden City Telegram, Dodge City Globe, Leavenworth Times, & Butler County Times.
Miller, J.A. (March 16, 2020). Sensible goals. Kansas City Star.
Miller, J.A. (May 7, 2018). Rock Creek Forensics, led by Coach Keith Miller, wins 4A State. Manhattan Mercury.
Graduate Research Assistant
§ Perform field work interviewing Pottawatomie county, KS farmers and ag-satellite folk to discern the social, economic, and political barriers to their adoptions of perennial cover crops.
§ Developed the C3 RegenPGC dataverse.
§ Write and edit, collect, analyze, and visualize data using the Community Capitals Framework.
Graduate Research Assistant
Extension Services
Kansas State University
§ Local sourcing innovations in rural food systems, rural cooperative development, 2021 Kansas rural grocery survey, case studies of innovative rural grocers and groceries.
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work
Kansas State University
§ Instructed SOCIO440 - Social Organization
§ Instructed SOCIO211 - Introduction to Sociology, online, asynchronous, 8-week course.
§ Student advisory board member
§ Worked in interdisciplinary teams, went on field and site visits.
§ Conducted and published research on social and political barriers to climate change mitigation, regenerative agriculture adoption, and Ogallala irrigation reductions.
May 2020-December 2022
Lobbying liaison to KS-01
Co-Founder/Co-Leader of the Manhattan, KS chapter
Citizens' Climate Lobby
§ Scheduled and participated in lobby meetings with Kansas Senators and Rep. Tracey Mann (KS-01).
§ Trained participants how to lobby with others and on their own.
§ Led and engaged in grasstops, grassroots, media, and advocacy actions.
§ Held local action meetings and give presentations to local organizations and institutions.
Conservative Outreach Fellow
Citizens' Climate Education
§ Created a network of conservatives (with a focus on young adults) who are interested in climate policy.
§ Engaged young conservatives and Republicans to take targeted actions to voice a constructive message for putting a price on carbon emissions.
§ Met with members of Congress on climate policy, host meetings to discuss climate policy.
§ Created social media traffic supporting carbon pricing and publish opinion pieces in local and regional papers.
§ Coordinated meetings with conservative constituents and members of Congress through CCL’s Liaisons for meetings either in-district or in DC.
§ Developed, proposed, tested & implemented outreach methods to young adult conservatives & Republicans.
§ Provided administrative support including email, calls, research and data entry.
USDA-Funded Research Assistant
Department of Sociology
Kansas State University
§ Data compilation (examples: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6), chart & graphic design, and statistical analyses on sustainable agriculture, farm scale, Ogallala aquifer depletion, public health, income, housing, and rural revitalization in Kansas. Read a summary here.
FALL 2019
§ Managed mail and answer phone calls from constituents, compiled news clips and call logs, managed the front office, delivered co-sponsorships and proxies, organized meeting schedules, completed flag requests, gave Capitol tours, wrote legislative updates, and filled in as staff assistant from time to time.
§ Wrote memos related to the agriculture, energy, environment, and education portfolio.
SUMMERS 2016, 2017
Intern for Ecosphere Studies,
Special Assistant to President Emeritus
§ Updated data for the 50-Year Farm Bill, including pie charts, statistics, and text.
§ Conducted research for federal grants, environmental pedagogy, and assessment.
§ Coordinated housing, transportation, and food logistics for the Ecosphere Studies program.
§ Helped design and coordinate the second and third annual ecosphere studies conferences, organized participants’ writings into a packet, assisted in educational exercises, and aided in meetings and tours.